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...What a wonderful feeling...



     How does Facet5 Work?

    Is Facet5 better than other personality Profiles?

    What is Facet5 used for?

    Next Steps to Facet5?

    How confidential and secure is Facet5?

    What is the cost of Facet5?



1. How does Facet5  work?


Facet5 uses a web-based questionnaire to capture information; participants respond to an e-mailed invitation and are taken directly to the Facet5 questionnaire pages.. Most people can complete a Facet5 questionnaire in around 17 minutes. Data is processed instantly and is immediately available for review by the accredited assessor. Reports  are produced as a fully formatted pdf for printing or emailing.


To ensure the validity of the participant, each individual undertakes the online questionnaire at their place of work, and is given appropriate personal and private time to complete the Facet 5 profile. This is followed up with a 1 hour (minimum)  individual feedback by the assessor.



2. Is Facet5 better than other personality profiles?


Facet5 was designed in response to requests for an instrument that would give highly accurate personality profiling and could be used to build teams, recruit and develop people. It is based on recent developments in personality theory and management development, and is simple and practical to use. Facet5’s theoretical and psychometric integrity is, we believe,  to be superior to other mainstream  personality questionnaires, e.g. MBTI and the Insights model.


Using the now widely accepted five factors of personality, it is one of the  most detailed and accurate tools available.




3. What is Facet5 used for?


Many people choose Facet5 because they want to understand themselves better as part of their own self development.  Facet5 provides an insight into you as a person, provides the tools to make small but significant changes, for you to perform  better, understand others and make a real difference to you as part of a team, or if you lead a team, know what you need to do and development those that you directly manage.


Facet5 is a simple tool to help you develop yourself and those you work with.


4. Next Steps to Facet5?


1. Email your expression of Interest – I WANT TO KNOW MORE!

2. We will contact you within 3 working Days

3. We will arrange a mutually convenient time to arrange an Appointment to discuss your needs.

4. We will agree your requirements, timetable and agree the contract

5. We will set up the online accounts for you and the Facet5 personality profiling begins.



5. How confidential and secure is Facet5?


We have put procedures in place which seek to ensure that we will not pass any information which could be used to identify you to any third party. Security and privacy of data are an essential part of the solution. To this end, we use access authentication and server security to protect your data.


To maintain its professional credibility, and to ensure that it continues to develop in line with practical experience and current theory, Facet5 is available only to accredited people. Tim Hetherington of HF Associates Ltd, is a fully accredited assessor.



6. What is the cost of Facet5?


It is only a  small investment in the people of your organisation, for each individual personal profile and personal 1 hour (minimum) coaching and feedback session.


HF Associates Ltd offer a value for money service and is a bespoke programme of delivery. Contact us for your Free Consultation meeting.


Discounts are available for - More than 4 individual profiles completed by the same organisation as part of the same contract - Public Sector organisations – Local authorities, NHS - Central Government - Voluntary sector - charitable organisations - Grant Aided bodies


To find out more how Facet5 can help you and your organisation contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hetherington & Field Associates Ltd. Registered In England No.07590270

Registered Office: 2 Manor Court, Aylmer Road, East Finchley, London, United Kingdom,  N20PJ


Facet5 - Has been audited and registered with the Psychological Testing Centre of The British Psychological Society.

British Psychological Society Logo
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