...What a wonderful feeling...
Hetherington & Field Associates Ltd. Registered In England No.07590270
Registered Office: 2 Manor Court, Aylmer Road, East Finchley, London, United Kingdom N20PJ
The Directors of HF Associates, in their personal capacity, over the last 30 years, are very proud and privileged to have worked for or in partnership with, numerous organisations including the following:
London Borough of Barnet
London Borough of Sutton
Ministry of Justice
Senior Judiciary
Home Office
Department of Health (DoH)
Ministry of Defence
Numerous Primary Care Trusts( PCT)
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Department for Children Schools and Families
European Commission
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
London Borough of Southwark
Middlesbrough Council
Hastings Borough Council
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Sedgefield Borough Council
Learning and Skills Council
Central and Local Government
Youth Sport Trust
StreetGames UK
Barnet FC Community Trust
Crystal Palace FC Foundation
Women’s Aid
Football Foundation
North Middlesex University Hospital Trust
Rugby Football Union
Lawn Tennis Association
Football Association
Proactive London
Southwark Chamber of Commerce
Woman’s Trust
National Lottery
Sports Leaders UK
Southwark Sports Trust
National &Local Organisations/ Voluntary/Charities
Fusion Lifestyle
DC Leisure
Russia House
Argos Limited
Marks and Spencer’s
Tricon Global Restaurants
Boots UK
Barnet Community Trust
Newcastle Football Club
Sunderland Football Club
Middlesbrough Football Club
Strategic Leisure Management (SLM)
Private Organisations