...What a wonderful feeling...

Hetherington & Field Associates Ltd. Registered In England No.07590270
Registered Office: 2 Manor Court, Aylmer Road, East Finchley, London, United Kingdom, N20PJ
Facet5 assessment produces an individual's ‘Big 5’ personality profile, allowing managers to understand how people differ in their behaviour, motivation, attitudes, and aspirations.
HF Associates is proud to be accredited in distributing these profiles and working with individuals and teams on their development and that of the business and organisation.
Facet5 - is suitable for all levels of staff - From Senior Management, Operations and Field Staff, to Support staff and Trainees
Facet5 - is used for Career Development; Self-awareness; Personal Development; Personality Assessment; Coaching
Facet5 - is an excellent tool for
1. Intergration - Using the Teamscape option shows where all your team are in personality terms and where agreement and conflict may arise.
2. Management - Using the Leading Edge option shows how to manage individuals or how they would like to be managed, transforming working relationships.
3. Selection - Using the Audition and Searchlight option shows how to map potential job canditidates against an ideal personality type for the role.
4. Development - Using the Work Preferences option, see what best suits a specific person in their career and ensure you have the right people in the right roles.
Facet5 - is undertaken online and includes Individual and/or Team Feedback sessions
Facet5 - is an excellent tool for business and HF Associates offer an excellent and value for money service – Discounts apply for more than 4 profiles completed by the same organisation as part of the same contract. Discounts are also available for - Public Sector organisations – Local Authorities – NHS - Central Government – Voluntary Sector – Charitable organisations – Grant Aided Bodies
If you would like to know more contact us today.

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