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...What a wonderful feeling...

“Facet5 is beneficial for both Assessment and Selection and supporting Group and Team Development needs for the staff within the Council. A user friendly alternative to SHL and Myers Briggs.” 

Andy Daniels, Norfolk County Council



“Thank you again for taking the time to do my Facet 5 feedback. I found it fascinating, and very powerful; I think the way it presents a holistic picture rather than a series of unconnected aspects is a real advantage.

John and I discussed it last night; he said he was amazed at how realistic a portrait it was, especially the final page. He asked me to pass on to you that he thought it was the most useful personality instrument he’s seen in terms of the insights it offers to both the individual and their manager/colleagues into how to work with the behaviours revealed. He’s had MBTI and OPQ before, and thought this was much better as a tool for understanding people.”

Alison Cawley - Head of Public Sector Recruitment at KPMG



“I have been a Facet user for many years. I use it in preference to other psychometrics because it is quick to administer, straight forward to explain and very effective. As it is written in language that people can understand and identify with they quickly engage in the feedback process. RS uses Facet as a platform for discussion as part of the recruitment process, in development and assessment discussions and as part of 360 degree feedback.”

Diane Knight - RS Components



“For GKN the main advantage of Facet 5 is the ease of administration as it has been designed as an on-line tool from the beginning. We have also found very high levels of ‘face validity’ with the candidates, which has allowed for very productive development discussions and better understanding of both personal and team dynamics.”

Andrew Moss - GKN Head of Employment and Development



“We needed to recruit for 11 senior area management jobs. This was done both internally and externally. The selection process involved two interviews together with the use of Facet to predict how applicants would react in their jobs if recruited, and also to indicate to the interviewers what areas to probe further.

We recruited a successful team and brought them together to have a session to exchange their Facet scores and to examine how they would operate as a team. This was a very useful process and a great start to a good working relationship within the team.

Anna Wright - Assistant Chief Executive, Surrey County Council



“We use Facet as a tool for recruitment and development. It is easy to administer and very comprehensive. I like the way that the extra modules included in the report are behaviourally based and can be related to situations within the workplace. During interview we find that we can tailor our questions to specific behaviours and traits, which helps us to be more consistent during the process.

We find that once people get to know the Facet model they are able to relate to one another more easily and this helps with the developmental process within the company.”

Susan Lewes-Daley - Viacom Outdoor



“I like Facet5 because it draws together the best of many of the other profile tools, resulting in something that is both very accurate AND easy to understand and explain.”

Donia Ceato, Avon Technical Products



“Facet 5 provides an understanding about yourself and how your behaviour may be perceived by others, identifying areas to improve upon. It also provides a good insight into other people and what makes them tick, providing the potential to improve working relationships through increased understanding and awareness.”

Sally O’Connor, Cardiff Business School




Want to know more and how Facet 5 can help you and your teams contact us today  

Facet5 - Testimonials - Numerous organisations have used Facet5


Hetherington & Field Associates Ltd. Registered In England No.07590270

Registered Office: 2 Manor Court, Aylmer Road, East Finchley, London, United Kingdom N20PJ

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