...What a wonderful feeling...
Facet5 - Case Studies
Working in Local Government
A local Government organisation needed an online psychometric test to improve positioning in league tables through better group management and leadership. Facet5 was picked out through a tender as the best tool for the situation, as a tangible management tool, which would work out a meaningful development path.
The overall aim of the programme was to establish the County Council at the forefront of the Government’s modernisation agenda and make it a reference point for outstanding quality, customer focus, innovative practice and community performance.
100 people had one-to-one personal feedback which took one hour per person. Areas that were picked out as potential problems were time management and the methods of dealing with promises. It was felt that Facet5 benefited the organisation as it improved understanding of strengths, in particular, developmental strengths.
The Post Office: Self Awareness -Through Facet 5 Teamscape
Post Office Ltd manages a nationwide network of over 17,000 Post Office branches, and is the largest Post Office network in Europe and the largest retail branch network in the UK. It handles more cash than any other business. The Chief Executive Officer had previously been using many traditional psychometric tests such as the Myers Briggs, and wanted a more modern and up to date tool for his team.
Facet5 was completed by the 8 top executive directors online, and they had agreed to share information from the outset. Following completion, a group feedback afternoon was arranged to evaluate and compare the team using Facet5 profiles and TeamScape (a module of Facet5 that shows where conflict and agreement can arise within a team).
Facet5 helped by giving the team a better understanding and awareness of each other’s strengths, with better collaboration and appreciation of other team members and how they worked. Feedback helped the team to work cohesively together to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individuals.
The executive directors felt that on a personal level Facet5 was reflective of their personality and were impressed by the accuracy and clarity of the tool. Since that time they have been using Facet5 to recruit, and are using TeamScape to analyse their own chief teams.
Hetherington & Field Associates Ltd. Registered In England No.07590270
Registered Office: 2 Manor Court, Aylmer Road, East Finchley, London, United Kingdom, N20PJ